
YES23 / 2023

Prior to the 2023 Referendum to establish an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, Yes23 has been instrumental in leading the ‘Yes’ campaign.

A grassroots coalition led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Yes23 aim to keep the Australian public informed with factual and relevant information about the Referendum, supplying resources and campaign materials so that those who wish to advocate for the ‘Yes’ campaign in their local community can
do so.

The Weekday team was excited to provide design support throughout the campaign across website changes, campaign collateral, digital resources and social media assets. 

Campaigns of this nature are ever-changing, with new resources and assets needed regularly, often with tight deadlines; it’s important for any teams involved in these campaigns to be agile. In the lead up to the Referendum, Weekday was effectively ‘on call’, available to the Yes23 team whenever needed and ready to respond to the changing needs of the campaign.